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Friday, August 31, 2012

Breathing Underwater

It's been a while since I've really made an effort at blogging.  Please be patient with me as I try to find that old rhythm again.

In exactly two weeks, I will be moving to LA.  It has me stressed, terrified, anxious...and lately, a little excited.  This plan to relocate didn't take shape from desperation or desire--it simply came to me, offered a handshake, and made its case.  Dean and I debated over it for around four months, actually, until we had pretty much exasperated my corporate office to the point of them saying, "If you want this, you have three weeks to get out here".  After nights upon nights of back and forth lists, pros and cons, our feeeeeeeelings, etc, the answer was clear: we still feel too young to be living in the suburbs of Maryland.  Our local peers are devoted to politics, law, business, and health care. Their SUVs littered with stickers about how much they love their [insert specific breed of dog here] or their favorite football teams.  They have a house, they have kids (and, according to their bumper stickers, kids that are a lot smarter/sportier/cooler than YOUR kids), they have their shit together.

And us?  We are...complacent.  Chill.  Domestic.  I may not be a fresh-out-of-college kid anymore, but I certainly don't want to spend my remaining childless years going shopping on the Pike and having a trip to Whole Foods as my highlight of the week.  But it's not fair to place all the blame on the suburbs.  Part of it is us.  We came back to this area after Korea because it was a safety blanket--it was familiar, comfortable, non-threatening.  Considering the somewhat insane lifestyle we created for ourselves in Seoul, I believed that suburban life might be a nice change.  And now, I think Dean and I both can agree that this chapter in our lives needs to be closed.

So what are we doing?  We agreed to relocate to Los Angeles, California.  Forever an east coast gal, even the idea of moving to the west coast seemed crazy.  The only ideas I have about California are tied to Hollywood.  I'm not a particularly beachy person, and I love the winter, so why would I haul my husband and all of my crap across the coast?  It just didn't seem worth it  Moving to LA has become an "easy" out for us.  I'm certainly not having to beat DC employers off with a stick, so if my company is offering a substantial raise and a much higher position, then why not just get the hell out?

Now, it's time to pack up my life again.  In the past nine years, I have lived in ten different spaces--4 college dorms, 2 summer homes, 2 Seoul apartments, my in-laws' basement, and my current place.  No matter how much I pack, this apartment still seems filled to the brim with crap that I can't seem to throw away or box up.      My list of things to do (car emissions standards, transporting car, finding an apartment, finding Dean a job, selling our current apartment, selling furniture on craigslist, training my replacement, packing packing PACKING) is so long that I don't even know how to start.  So...I should probably step away from the keyboard until I get at least one thing checked off of my list.

Next time I write, I will be one accomplishment closer to leaving.