The last post I had was pretty depressing, but as I was in a "very dark place" at the time, it was fitting.
I'm going to be getting a divorce in the upcoming months, and even saying those words still sound insane to me. But it's happening and I am just trying to move forward with it.
I had to take a few days off work once I discovered the truth. My sister immediately flew out and after she left, my mom took her place for two weeks. Letters and gifts poured in from relatives and friends, and it took me off guard. You get cards for Christmas, birthdays, and graduations. But I wasn't expecting this kind of thing at all. And it really hit me hard what an amazing family and group of friends that I have.
It took me a few weeks, but I jumped back into work as best as I could. I still screw up on what feels like a daily basis. After being that person in my district who seemed to know everything, this feeling of utter inadequacy is crushing. I want to do better, I want to prove that I'm not a total waste to the team, but I just can't seem to get things right anymore. There is always a hesitation, always a growing shadow of a doubt.
But I can't say that everything is bad. My former roommate from college moved in with me a month ago. She's moving back to NYC at the end of January, but it's been amazing getting to live with one of my best friends again. In Maryland, I did feel isolated--I didn't have close friends to hang out with on the weekends and I was a workaholic. Now, I love being able to come home at the end of the day so we can pour two glasses of wine, bitch about work, and then just talk.
And my company's Christmas party was last night, which was a pretty good time. Taking someone's wise advice, I had a few drinks at my apartment before I left, so when I got to the place, I already had a buzz. I proceeded to have a handful of vodka tonics while talking at the bar. But there were weird moments, as well. You're having a smoke on the balcony and some guy puts his jacket over you when he realizes you're cold. Or you let someone order your drink. It's stupid little things, but they are things that no one other than Dean has done for me in years. I never let it happen--I always made it clear when I went out that I was in a relationship. Not in a bitchy, upfront way, but conversationally. But now...I'm just seen as a single girl.
One of my co-workers on the other side of the office went through a massive break up during the same week as me. I didn't know him very well at all, but now, we take ten minute breaks on the roof and talk about how we're dealing with things. Ten minute therapy sessions. This is my life right now.
I don't feel like writing anymore. I should cook dinner or finish up some online Christmas shopping.
Night, all.
I'm really sorry to hear about your divorce. I can't pretend to know what you are going through, but hope all ends up the way it needs to.
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